
  • Projekat “Iskorenjivanje i sprečavanje femicida u Srbiji”
  • Projekat “Ka rodno osetljivoj Strategiji bezbednosti Grada Niša” 2014.
  • Projekat “Pravna klinika za zaštitu prava žena” 2010-2013
  • Projekat “Nasilje u proodici – prepreka razvoju”, 2006.
  • Project “Women’s Policy Program – Serbia, Support Local Policy Making”, together with Group for Promotion of Women’s Political Rights, Voice of difference, Belgrade, 2006.
  • Projekat “Program razvoja dobrih praksi u oblasti nasilja u porodici”, 2005.
  • Training program “Bringing a case to the European Court of Human Rights”, LDA, Italy, 2005;
  • Project “Strenghtening the non-profitable sector in Southeast Serbia”, together with Committee for civil initiative from Nis – 2003-2005;
  • Project “Domestic violence-research of legal praxis in Serbia”, together with four NGO from Subotica, Novi Sad, Belgrade and Leskovac – 2003/2004;
  • Training seminar “Promotion and protection of human rights and minority rights in Serbia & Montenegro”, in cooperation with ELSA (European Law Students Association) – Local group Nis, Derven from Svrljig and Caribrod from Dimitrovgrad, supported by Council of Europe – November 2003;
  • Savetovalište za žene obolele od raka dojke “Jefimija”, 1.5.-31.10.2002.
  • Campaign “Law in fight against domestic violence” (organization of the Conference and publishing the Handbook). The first phases consisted of lobbying for acceptation of “New model of legal protection from domestic violence”, written by experts; group from Victimology Society of Serbia – April 2002;
  • Project “Strategy of reformation of Law studies in Southeast Europe in forming unique European educational space” with ELSA (European Law Students Association-Local group Nis), December 2002;
  • International seminar “Strategy of reformation process of Law studies in Yugoslavia”, in cooperation with with ELSA (European Law Students Association) – Local group Nis – April 2002;
  • Project “Involving students at Faculty of Law in Nis into the reformational process of legal studies”), together with ELSA (European Law Students Association-Local group Nis at Faculty of Law, April 2001-May 2002;
  • Project “Campaign against sex trafficking”, together with Humanitarian Association of Romani (HUR) from Nis, and publishing the bilingual brochure concerning sex trafficking – 2001;
  • Experimental three-months long course of Gender-Women studies – September-December 2001;
  • Project “Promoting women’s political rights throught campaign “Ravnopravno”, Women movement-Women network,- September 2000;
  • Project “Abortion -lawful, medical and ethical approach” –1999/2000;
  • Project “Help and support programm for overwhelming conflictial relationships in family”, in cooperation with SOS Association for Women and Children victims of Violence and IAN Trauma Center from Nis –1999;
  • Published 4 brochures: 1. The right to property – by Nevena Petrusic, 2. “Legal protection from violence”- by Slobodanka Konstantinovic-Vilic; 3. “Reproduction rights and freedom – the right not to give birth”- by Slobodanka Konstantinovic-Vilic and Nevena Petrusic; 4. “The story about feminism”- by Natalija Zunic –1999;
  • Project “Feministic School” – 1998/1999;
  • Conference concerning Criminal Law of FR Yugoslavia and protection from violence, together with Faculty of Law in Nis and Bar Association in Nis – march 1998.